Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's in the Bible? GIVEWAY

What's in the Bible DVD 3 Wanderin in the Desert is here!! you’ll have the time of your life as you watch buck denver and friends journey through leviticus, numbers and deuteronomy to finish out the pentateuch!

part 1: don’t lie, don’t cheat … don’t trim your beard? the old testament is full of rules, and some of them are kind of, well, weird. learn why god gave all these rules to israel and which ones still apply to us today!

part 2: what is a pentateuch? learn about israel’s 40-year “time-out” as we finish the first five books of the bible! plus, discover why we can believe what the bible says – even though we weren’t there to see it happen!

i’m giving away 3 copies to 3 winners of dvd 3 and 1 Buck’s Bundle GRAND PRIZE

here’s how you can enter to win:

1. tweet: I entered to win DVD 3 from @whatsinthebible! #kidmin

2. leave a comment on the blog expressing your excitement for DVD 3!

every time you tweet or comment, you will be entered again to win! 3 winners of DVD 3, and 1 Buck’s Bundle Grand Prize Winner will be chosen at random at the end of the day Wednesday, 5/12.

good luck!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Audience of One

It used to be the only time I was able to connect with other children's leaders was through the handful of those I met at a conference. Over the last few years the blessing of being able to follow the blogs, tweets, and social networks of some amazing children's leaders and organizations has increased my knowledge and equipped me as a children's pastor.

The longer I am in children's ministry the more I value these relationships. So I guess that is why my heart has been a little sad the last few weeks as I watched some groups/organizations and even a few children's pastors bring in the "ugly" side of business into ministry. The Kingdom is a very big place and there are SO many families and kids to serve. It is a dangerous place when we take our eyes off God.

The truth is, each of us serve an audience of One. And what a blessing it can be to God and those of us we connect with, when we reach out to connect someone with a ministry challenge to the person or organization with the solution.