Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's in the Bible Announces the Curriculum Companion

Today was a fun day for me and my friend Amy Dolan, Lemon Lime Kids. What's in the Bible officially announced the children's ministry curriculum companion. We are thrilled to be a part of this project.

I met Phil Vischer in 2005 when he spoke at a conference that I was executive producing. Since then I have continued to be impressed with Phil's heart and commitment to making sure the next generation of Christians is Biblically literate. Looking forward to bringing this wonderful resource to my friends in children's ministry.

Some highlights of the curriculum companion:

Each DVD will feature a corresponding 4 weeks of curriculum. we will start by launching (tentatively) the curriculum package for DVD 1 in June 2010.

the curriculum will feature several key distinctives:

1. Excellent Quality: creativity, storytelling, and biblically Sound

2. Customizable: options for children’s leaders to customize the lessons for their specific church context: size, location, denomination, and theology

3. Innovative Technology: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch apps, and at-home web applications, just to name a few!

4. Easy to use: several format options will provide every church with the ability to use the curriculum, regardless of technology available

5. Distinct Teaching about the Bible: content including bible history and stories from all the books of the bible!

we’re excited that this curriculum will encourage Biblical literacy in a new generation of Christians, and will provide a great format for children’s ministry leaders to implement.